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Automatically write averages, splits, and structures to your workouts. All you need to do is lap each rep, and Splitz will handle the rest.

See it in action

Automatically extract format, averages, and splits from your workout

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Splitz is in beta and free to use


How does Splitz figure out what my workout was?

It uses laps in your activity, how far and fast you ran, and some clever guesswork 🪄. It can detect most types of workouts including intervals and repeats, fartleks, and mixed-distance work.

What if I use auto-lap, or a pre-programmed workout on my watch?

As long as you also have lap markers when each rep starts and stops, it can figure it out — you can leave auto-lap on! Programmed workouts work great with Splitz as well (we actually prefer it 😉).

What if I recorded my warmup and cooldown in the activity as well?

That's totally fine, and in fact encouraged! It makes it easier to detect workouts, and saves your followers from a wall of posts 😉

Why didn't it update one of my workouts?

Sometimes the workout detection gets it wrong. I'm sorry when it does, and I'm working to improve it! 🚀

Can it also show my rest?

Not yet, but I'm working on it!👷

Can I add my own notes?

Go for it ✏️! Splitz won't do anything besides create the initial summary for you.

Do you collect any personal data?

Not at all 🙅‍♂️. Your activity info is parsed, then discarded.

Why do I need an account on here?

Boring technical reasons 💻. See above though, none of your personal data is collected or stored, and you can delete your account anytime.

Who made this? Why?

Splitz is made by David Cai 👋. I got tired of manually updating my workouts with splits and built this instead. I hope you find it useful as well!